Saturday, September 15, 2007

Collide @ Hard Rock Cafe

Collide @ Hard Rock Cafe

This iz the vid me tooK durinG bananA'z bdAy! ;)

"finAlly and i collide...doo doo doo doooooo"

Posted by illZ wonG at 3:24 PM

Sunday, September 09, 2007

US Carplates

hey jerm, remember to buy me this kind of car plates from Yellowstone ok. This should be easy to find in this touristic places.... so no excuses! haha!


Posted by geraniumx at 9:39 PM

Monday, September 03, 2007

hAppy bdAy bananA...!!!!!

hAppy bdAy bananA...!!!!!


thiZ time we meT on 30 Aug 2007 eveninG to celebrAte Christina'z (akA bananA) bdAy!!!

the photogrApher'z cAptain yelloW, and let'Z zooM into the phoTo showdowN:

thinK thiZ iz whAt cAptain yelloW ordered...whAtever it iz, she surelY cAn afford it!! not in the monetAry aspecT but the physicAl aspecT insteAd! hahAa...

soMe rAndom shoT of or bdAy girL - 美丽的香蕉!!!!

anotheR rAndomer shoT....guezZ who thiZ iz? nice teetH righT... ;)

finAlly a decent shoT of our lovelY bdAy coupLe - Chriz and Zhiyu! buT photo abit bluR leH... >_<

cAptain yelloW (L) and shuYi (R)!!

noW...time for some grouP photoZ!!!!

reAdy....smiLe little piggieZ!!!!!! theze are presentZ from Zhiyu i thinK....they were pAssed around in a plAztic bAg, i see everyone tAke one so i tooK one too, hahAaa....theY are v. "kAwaii"! ^o^

decenT grouP phoTo numbeR 1!!!!!

decenT grouP phoTo numbeR 2!!!!!

and....where did we diNe at? leT thiZ bLue pigGie telL you:

duh-duH! the littLe flAg sAyz we wenT to Hard Rock Cafe...behind the Forum @ orchArd.....hahAaa....

in additioN, we cAught a liVe performAnce of some mAle bAnd before we lefT...they perforMed howie dAy'z "Collide"....whicH shuYi liked alot. she tooK a vid with her hP...and me did so too! coincidentAlly, i liKed the song cuZ of thiZ bAckground "doo doo doo doo doo doO" in the choruZ....but theN shuYi and me kindA disAppointed the bAnd didn't botheR doO-ing. it felt incompleTe....hahAa. perhApz i will posT the vid on youtube and theN add it heRe. anywAyz...i fouNd the song'z mp3 and am repeAting it noW....

"i finAlly & I...collide...." ^O^

whAt a hAppy eveninG~

Posted by illZ wonG at 1:44 PM